Pramata for Sales Teams

Close deals faster with full contract visibility right in CRM

Pramata makes it easy to manage renewals, find and search contracts, request a new contract, and track your deals.

Close deals, faster

Every member of the sales team has complete visibility into the status of their contracts. With a single place to find, search, and request new contracts, the revenue team can work seamlessly with the legal team to expedite the sales process.

Contract workflow in negatiation report
Pramata contract expiration report

Never miss a renewal

Get out in front of renewals to ensure a smooth and timely experience for your customers. Pramata gives every sales team member a dashboard of renewals tied to their accounts and email alerts for upcoming renewals.

Every contract at your fingertips

Stop wasting time hunting for the most recent contract or terms. Sales teams can quickly see a summary of the entire commercial relationship for all their Accounts. Including every contract and amendment, contracted products, upcoming renewals and more, in seconds. 

Pramata document family report
Find contracts by any term search in Pramata

Never leave CRM

Access every contract and search key terms without leaving CRM. This eliminates duplicate information from different systems, is highly secure, and involves little-to-no IT resources to deploy. And with Pramata for Salesforce, your contract repository won’t use any of your allotted Salesforce storage. 

Why Sales Teams Love Pramata

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Seamless CRM Integration

Access accurate contract terms from CRM, like Salesforce, with our out-of-the-box integration.

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Renewal Alerts & Reporting

Easily view upcoming renewals and any contract terms that may need renegotiating or adjustment.

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Close Deals, Faster

Shorten sales cycles and create more revenue opportunities with easily accessible and pre-approved contracts from legal.

On the Blog...

Discover a better way to manage your contracts.

 See the radically simple contract management solution that has been trusted by our customers for over 17 years.